Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Mercury in Retrograde (Nov 6 - 26)

Mercury is the planet of communications.  When mercury goes retrograde, it is not actually going backwards, it just looks like it is.  That pretty much sums up how things start to go with our communications while mercury is in retrograde.  I used to resent these times but I have learned to embrace them.  It's actually a really good chance to stop taking life so seriously and just chill out with a good book.  I really think more people need to learn the art of taking time to themselves because when you take a step back from the world and just relax, your problems seem to just melt away.  If there is ever a time to start meditating, it's while mercury is in retrograde.  It's actually quite common to have a spiritual break through during this cycle.  If you're having trouble with emails, the phone or just people in general, just take a step back and remember that it's just the planets doing funny things.  You'll look back on this time and laugh later.  If you managed to get this page to load while mercury is in retrograde then congratulations, you are doing well.  Here's a track by Thomas Nordwest to take you to a happy place...

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